Having trouble trusting in God

God says in the Bible that His followers who are faithful in the small things, will be entrusted with the big things. Should the same apply to God? If He is faithful in keeping His small promises like providing love, joy and peace (fruit of the Spirit), then we can also trust Him to provide the big promises like forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

Right now I am not receiving the small promises, so does that mean I will not receive the big promises either? Or am I missing something, are there conditions to each promise that I am not meeting? Or have I somehow been excluded from these promises despite believing, like for example due to commiting some serious sin? 

Because God keeps all His promises. So if I am not receiving them, then I either haven't done my part to receive them (which I think I have because I believe), or I have done something to be excluded from them (an unforgivable sin perhaps).

That's all for now. God bless.

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  1. Hello, i'm the one who reached out to you on hikki subreddit to read the Bible with you. I checked out your profile and your blog. I also have mental illnesses that make it hard on this side of life.
    It seems that you lack faith maybe due to false teachers etc. Faith is belief, not emotion. Jesus died for our sins and was ressurected. He finished the work. If you believe, then you are saved. The Bible calls faith in one passage "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (paraphrased).

    1. I agree that faith is not a feeling or emotion, but faith in Christ should bear fruit. It should lead to some tangible results, like the fruit of the Spirit. If you believe and you are not transformed into a new creature that bears these fruits, then do you really have salvific faith is my question? I consider myself a Christian because I believe Jesus is who He says He is and I want to follow Him, but now I am not bearing fruit and feel like a dead branch, cut off from the vine. But hopefully I can be grafted in again. Not sure what I must do for that to happen, but that is my desire.


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