Why I have become a doomer and been blackpilled

There's a couple different areas where I am blackpilled, and this has led me to become a doomer. I still have some faith in God, but my faith in humanity is really low. We are a flawed species. But I still want to be kind to other humans, as that is the change I want to see in the world. Even if we are heading to destruction, be kind to each other.

Industrial civilization blackpill

As a truth seeker I have been interested in how our industrial civilization works, and from my personal research I have concluded that it is not sustainable. Our current economic model requires infinite growth to sustain itself, but we live on a planet with finite resources, so we cannot grow infinitely. If the economy doesn't grow, then first we get a recession, then a depression and finally the whole system may collapse. Every past human civilization prior to our current global civilization has collapsed, and there's no reason to believe it won't happen with this one as well.

Even if Western countries become more environmentally friendly, stop consuming so much resources and move to renewable energy, a theory called Jevons paradox dictates that others will replace our consumption. People in Asia and Africa will burn more hydrocarbon fuels and start consuming more resources as they become available on the market, after Western countries reduce their consumption.

The only option to kick the can down the road from a secular perspective is to create a global one world government, and force every country and citizen to reduce consumption. You could use a universal digital ID combined with a social credit system like China already has, and use artificial intelligence on supercomputers to manage every persons consumption patterns. This would of course be a dystopia where there is no freedom and limited human rights, you would be a slave to this satanic system. I'd rather be a hunter-gatherer or dead at that point.

Genetic determinism blackpill

Many will say that humans have free will and life is what you make it, but I don't believe that is entirely true. We are limited by our genetics in what we can do, and winning the genetic lottery is by luck, although having the right parents will increase your chances. We can also only make decisions based on the knowledge and experiences we have had, and we don't have perfect knowledge. So I believe we have limited imperfect free will.

Not everyone can be as athletic as Michael Jordan, or as smart as Nikola Tesla, or as good looking as Brad Pitt, no matter how much work they put in to self-improve. Some people will always have the natural genetic advantage, and others will be born with disadvantages they cannot change or overcome through self-improvement.

Sure, environment plays a role too, such as being born into a wealthy family rather than in the ghetto. But even so, good genetics and luck is what has put people in the position to be wealthy to begin with. And there are individuals who overcome poverty and rise to the top. That I would argue is most often due to winning the genetic lottery as well, and getting the tools to overcome adversity, in addition to being lucky in general. Genetic recombination is random like that.

But some people were born and their life was already over. The dice was cast in the womb, and they lost.

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