
Showing posts from January, 2024

Life has a purpose, but seems to lack objective meaning

If you read my previous post, this might be a bit repetitive, but I had to jot these thoughts down somewhere. Sorry in advance. When I was a religious Christian I thought life had objective meaning. It was to serve God and obey his commandments in the bible. But after deconverting and still seeking wisdom I have found that life seems to lack any true objective meaning. Although humans seem to need it, or the illusion of it, to motivate themselves to continue living, struggling and reproducing. That's why nearly every culture has some sort of religion or ideology that provides meaning. The purpose of life is much easier to decipher. If we look at a fork for example, and observe it being used by a human to eat food, we can understand the purpose of this tool. Similarly by observing biological life on Earth, we can understand its purpose. Living beings steal star energy from each other, and gather material resources for the purpose of reproduction. On the molecular level this is about