
I'm a male born in the late 1980s from northern Europe. I finished high school and a year of college studying business, but then dropped out due to various reasons. I have always been a computer enthusiast and gamer, so in 2014 I founded a tech social media channel that became somewhat successful.

However in spring 2019 I became a Christian, and I began to have feelings of guilt over how I grew the channel. I had a bit of a mental health crisis and this led me to delete the channel and apply for a normal job instead. I worked a normal job for 2-3 weeks and later I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which I still suffer from to this day.

Back in high school I had a group of friends, but I've always enjoyed being by myself. I used to be a hikikomori who spent most of their time inside, but nowadays I am more of a hermit as I do venture outside. When the weather is nice, mainly during spring and summer, I spend some time outside walking and biking. But during fall and winter I prefer to stay indoors.

In May 2023 I began to question the bible and Christianity. Mainly because of 3 years worth of unanswered prayers and some things I discovered in the bible after critically studying it. I left the religion in June 2023 as Christianity did not make sense to me anymore.

In this blog I want to cover the following topics:

My thoughts about god and religion

I am not an atheist despite leaving Christianity. I went from believing in Jesus to becoming an agnostic monotheist and now I am an agnostic dystheist. Basically I don't know if there is a god or not, but if a god exists then it is at best amoral but more likely generally malevolent. Dystheism has never been that popular and it is poorly explored, so I want to share my thoughts on the possibility of a malevolent god.

Pessimist philosophy

If we take an honest look at our reality without rose-tinted glasses we will notice that it is based on suffering. Pleasure and happiness are fleeting and not guaranteed unlike suffering. Therefore reality seems to be mostly pessimistic for the majority of living beings, and from a philosophical standpoint I consider myself a realistic pessimist. I want to share my thoughts from this perspective.

Doomer news updates

While I am not a Christian anymore I do still think we might be in some kind of end times era for humanity. We are facing many threats such as ecological overshoot, climate change, resource depletion and a technological dystopia with a lot of poverty due to AI, automation and robots taking over jobs. That said I am not a luddite and use AI a lot myself. I have been a news addict and doomer for many years so I want make a weekly doomer news update monitoring the state of the world, inspired by the former doomer blogger Rice Farmer.

That's all for now. See you around!

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