3 years later and nothing has changed (Trigger warning: venting)

In October 2019 I sinned against the Holy Spirit by lying to Him, similar to what Ananias and Sapphira did in Acts 5. The only difference is that God had mercy on me and did not kill me physically, possibly because I begged for mercy. However I still feel spiritually dead, and I have no connection to God.

Over the past 3 years I have done many things to try and reconnect with God, to reach out to Him. But I have only been met with silence, or been deceived by this demon who pretended to be God, and out of desperation I believed it.

I have fasted and prayed, I have tried to live as sin free as possible, I have tried deliverance several times to remove this demon and I have asked probably hundreds of people to pray for me. All these efforts have yielded zero results.

This has been very discouraging and demotivating. In the beginning of this whole ordeal, I had lots of faith but that has diminished because nothing ever happens and nothing changes. God seems to either be done with me or He is hiding His face from me as some sort of severe chastisement.

But I have a hard time believing that God would allow a demon to possess a true Christian, a child of God.

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