40,000 denominations and confusion

When I first believed in Jesus Christ, I was told that I am once saved always saved (OSAS). That upon belief I am born again and given the gift of salvation, which includes remission of sins and eternal life. I believed nothing can separate me from God's love and there's nothing I can do to lose my salvation, as I didn't earn it to begin with.

But then after I started to speak in tongues, I began to have more supernatural encouters with what I thought was God. This led me down a different path where I began to follow different teachings and thought OSAS was not true.

These are however two different versions of Jesus. And there are many more. There's over 40,000 different denominations across the world, and who knows how many cults and non-denominational churches that have different beliefs. 

But everyone uses the Bible to justify their beliefs, having different interpretations of various verses. However there are also many different Bibles, that are translated in different ways from different manuscripts. And especially in modern days with social media, people are making claims that the Holy Spirit said this and that, and sometimes these claims may contradict each other. So some of them have to be wrong, as God doesn't contradict Himself. I know because I have made these claims myself, but now realize it wasn't all from God.

So there's over 40,000 denominations and the Bible says there is one narrow path. That can get confusing, and while I still choose to still believe the core beliefs of Christianity, I am unsure of which specific path to take. There are so many options. I guess for now I will choose to believe in that which originally converted me, as it would be pretty strange if God would allow a conversion with wrong beliefs, and then change the terms afterwards.

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