A miracle I experienced in 2019

After I sinned against the Holy Spirit and God's presence departed from me, I began to experience what some may call acute psychosis. I had severe hallucinations which convinced me that God had left me, and demons were about to take over.

They showed me images in my mind of me doing evil things to my family members. So I decided it would be best if I just ended my life before that happens.

I jumped in my car, and went driving toward a long road where I could pick up lots of speed. I had no seatbelt on and drove my car at over 120km/h (75mph) against a wooden lightpole. I was thrown around in the car like clothes in a washing machine, but I felt no pain in my body. When the car stopped, I crawled out of the passanger side window, and I still felt no pain and didn't have a scratch on me. The car was destroyed though.

I believe that God supernaturally protected me and spared my life. For what reason I don't know, as I am still trying to reach out to Jesus but experience only silence. Maybe it was just so that I would tell this story to others to give them more faith and hope. So I want to do that.

That's all for now. God bless.

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