Demon possession & mental illness (my experiences)

I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but I believe it to be of demonic origin rather than biological or genetic. The way I experience this condition, is that there is a second entity living in my mind and body. I found this article some time ago and it talks about how to differentiate schizophrenia from demonic possession in light of the Bible.

1. Attraction to vs. Aversion to Religion. Demons want nothing to do with Christ. Conversely, people with NBD (Neurobehavioural Disability) are often devoutly religious. 

This entity says it hates God but at the same time it also pretends to be God, and has made me feel emotions of love toward Jesus to manipulate me into believing it is God.

2. Irrational Speech vs. Rational Speech. In New Testament accounts involving demons, the demons spoke in a rational manner. Untreated people with schizophrenia will often speak in nonsense and jump rapidly between unrelated topics. 

I seem to be able to discuss things rationally. To most people I won't come off as a mental patient.

3. Ordinary Learning vs. Supernatural Knowledge. Demons in the New Testament would speak through people to convey knowledge that otherwise could not have been known to the possessed individuals. Those with NBD have no such ability to know facts which they have not acquired by normal learning. 

I haven't had any supernatural knowledge. It tried to convince me it gave me the power to speed read the Bible, but that was just a trick.

4. Normal vs. Occultic Phenomena. There is an aspect to demon activity that is just plain spooky (ex.: poltergeists, levitation’s, trances, telepathy). These have an impact on others in the room not just the possessed. With schizophrenia, the effect of the disorder is only on the disordered, not others. 

Personally I have experienced demonic hallucinations and dreams where the demon enters my dream and takes control of my body. But I can't say I or my friends and family have had any shared experiences of occult phenomena.

5. The claim to be possessed. Authors who have clinical experience both with demon possession and mental illness, believe those who claim to be possessed are very likely not possessed. Demons wish to be secretive and do not voluntarily claim to be present. 

This entity tried for the longest time (years) to pretend it was God, and still tries to do it. But now it also admits it is a demon, and that I am demon possessed and have lost my salvation.

6. Effects of Therapy. If prayer solves the problem, then it was probably not schizophrenia. If medicine helps alleviate the problem, it was not demon possession.

Prayer, fasting and deliverance has done nothing to solve this problem. The only relief I have gotten is from anti-psychotic meds, they seem to keep the hallucinations at bay and help me to sleep. But I am not sure if this is due to the meds actually working or if the demon is just witholding its effects so that I continue taking these meds which ruin my physical health.

So there seems to be indications of both a mental and spiritual problem, perhaps it could be both. But I think if it was a purely biological problem resulting from a biochemical imbalance, structural abnormality in the brain or brain damage, then there would be physical evidence. However my brain scans were clean, to my knowledge there is no evidence in any blood tests and I have no family history of schizophrenia or psychosis. 

Then it's also the organized nature of this entity that indicates it's not a random misfiring of neurons or anything like that. It can communicate with me rationally, it has its own will and evil personality, it has its own goals that it wants to achieve by manipulating and tormenting me. So I believe it is actually a demonic entity of some sort.

That's all for now. God bless.

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