Goldguy's dream regarding the unforgivable sin

Here is a dream from a person called Goldguy on a Discord server I manage for Christians who feel lost. It is a bit depressing but I want to record it for posterity. Goldguy was a believer when he was young but then committed the unforgivable sin by believing the Pharisees lies about Jesus.

EDIT: I would just like to say that the demon I am possessed by has pretended to be God before, and to such a degree that it had me fooled for years. It also gave me prophetic end times dreams that seemed very real and like they were from God. But it wasn't from God. Keep that in mind, it's possible this dream is not from God either.

So, I was praying before with my pastor and was asking for divine intervention for my situation in my life. Later on I went to sleep and kinda felt a strong presence that the Lord was right there. In my dream, I was sitting down near a bench in a beautiful garden. I turned right and saw a big city and castle behind a large golden gate decorated with crystals that was guarded by two big men in golden-white like garments. These men looked very tall, like around 12 feet. 

I also saw multiple people entering inside and they all had white pure garments that was cleaner than everything I have ever seen. They were happy and cheering with smiles on their faces when they walked inside. I wanted to know exactly where they were going to so I followed along and went forward but when I tried to enter, the men decided to stand infront and close the gates to not let me enter. I asked them to let me through but they ignored me like I wasn't there. I tried to get closer but I felt like I wasn't able to go closer for some reason. I felt like it was so burning but I wasn't burned up on my body. It just seemed like I couldn't make my way through. 

I then looked at my hands and my body and saw nothing but dirt. It was so dirty from my head and all over my clothes. I couldn't understand why it was like this but I felt so dirty and disgusting as if someone threw a whole bunch of mud all over me. I tried to take off some parts of my clothes but it couldn't work. It was like this thing was attached to me. I even tried to brush it off my body but it didn't come off at all. I have never seen myself so dirty like this in my entire life. It was so humiliating and shocking to me. 

I saw a few other people who had dirty clothes as well but my own was far more worse than them. These people were crying there and moaning very heavily. I wanted to ask them exactly what they were crying about but they didn't respond. They kept sobbing and crying so much as if they were in great pain and anguish. They didn't even listen to me at all because it seemed like whatever they were going through was even more greater than me talking to them. It was so horrible. 

I was shocked until I saw a third man approach the gates. He looked at me. It's like I can tell that he knew everything about me and my life felt from him some sense of authority as if he was in charge of this place or something. He had a disappointed look on his face and black hair with a black beard. He had on a golden clothing robe that looked similar to what the other men blocking the gate were wearing. As I looked at his eyes, I saw his brown eyes but it had some fire. I felt a strong judgement come over me as if it was too late. He also had a red cloth over his shoulder and it reached down to his waist. When I looked at him, it felt like we were communicating in some way. Behind the gate, I saw the city closer. It looked so beautiful as I can see beautiful trees and fresh flowers blooming around. I even saw some young children playing with puppies in the grass near the city. I wanted to go so I asked him if I can enter. This man, who I realized to be Jesus Christ told me no. 

I asked him why. He explained that I have so much dirt and filth on me and that I will not be allowed into this kingdom. I asked him to please remove this garment off of me and to get something new to enter this kingdom. He told me that it's not possible for me and I will never be allowed into this place. He literally told me that I committed the unforgivable sin, which was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and it will be held against me for an eternity so I will be banished from his kingdom for an eternity. I felt like something sank in my heart. I felt like begging for mercy but at the same time, I felt this extreme sense that this was somehow just and I had absolutely no excuses. I asked him for help and was on my knees but he said there's no excuses and he kept saying that the judgement has been decided. I felt this extreme shame beyond words that I can't describe fall over me and it was so intense.

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  1. people have rapture dreams and get "told by God" when the rapture happens all the time. demons can give dreams too


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