May 12th, 2023 Diary: Long bike ride

Today on Friday I got up from bed around 12:20pm and had my usual breakfast of cafe mocha and vitamins. I took a look outside and the weather was nice and warm, the sun was shining again. 


I didn't do a morning prayer today, I think I am going to pray when I feel the need to do so, rather than scheduling prayers and forcing myself to pray. I think one genuine prayer is better than a dozen forced prayers.


I quickly recorded and edited a YouTube video while having my cafe mocha. So I got some work done at least.

Long bike ride

I decided to take a long bike ride down to town because the weather was nice. The ride down went well, I didn't even break a sweat. I decided to go to McDonalds to get some lunch. After that I went to the grocery store to buy some beer and other drinks to relax with later today. On the way home I went to check on my old primary school, but it was torn down, it seems they are building something new there. The way back was much more exhausting, I was definitely at the limits of my fitness. I had to get off the bike at one steep hill and walk it to the top.

After coming back home I grabbed a beer and went to hang out in the hammock.

Bible study

I listened to Luke 1 where it talks about the angel Gabriel appearing to Zacharias telling him about his son John the baptist who will turn people to the Lord, and lay the Lord's paths straight. Zacharias was also made dumb until his son was born, due to his disbelief. Angel Gabriel was then sent to Mary to tell her about Jesus.

That's all for now. God bless.

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