May 2nd, 2023 Diary: Work out day

I woke up a bit earlier this Tuesday, around 1-2pm vs. 3pm yesterday. It's not good but still an improvement. My sleep was OK, although last night I felt weird and had a lot of intrusive thoughts. 

I started my day with a morning prayer and having my vitamins and a cafe mocha. My cafe mocha is basically combining a teaspoon of instant coffee with 5 teaspoons of chocolate powder, then add some hot water, stir and fill up the mug with milk. Delicious, I am a bit addicted to it.

As this is my workout day, I did some pull-ups, push-ups and leg raises. I tried to do 2 sets of each exercise.

  • Pull-ups 1 x 5 + 1 x 3 and then 2 reverse pull-ups.
  • Push-ups 2 x 10 with knuckles. I can't do regular push-ups because my left hand doesn't bend enough due to it having been broken in an incident. So I have to either do knuckle push-ups or use a push-up board or stands.
  • Leg raises 2 x 15 to strengthen my abs and lower back.

At the end of my exercise, I drank a protein and carb drink.

Today was a bit cold and rainy, but I still went out for a walk and listened to the Bible from Matthew 26 to Mark 4. From what I remember the scriptures I listened to in Matthew talked about how Jesus was taken by the Jews in the garden of Gethsemane and led to be tortured and crucified. At the end of Matthew Jesus was resurrected and visited many people. 

In Mark it starts out talking about John the Baptist who baptized many in the river Jordan, including Jesus Himself. Then Jesus goes into the wilderness for forty days and forty nights to be tempted of Satan. It continues talking about how Jesus cured many sick people and casted out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit. The scriptures in Mark also mention the unforgivable sin, which is one of the scariest scriptures in my opinion. Finally in Mark 4 Jesus talks about the parable of the sower. 

One comforting verse is when Jesus mentions that regular people hear the parables but do not understand them. But converted people understand the parables. I think I somewhat understand the parables, so that's a good sign.

I had a lot of intrusive thoughts and other evil thoughts. It was not a good day in terms of my thoughts, and I ruined it further by giving into the temptation to sin. I should do better, but it's hard doing all of this in my own strength, I need God to help me. Even just God's calming presence would be helpful.

That's it for now. God bless.

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