May 5th, 2023 Diary: Helped my mom

Woke up earlier than usual this Friday, but I still laid in bed until about 1:20pm. This time I also remembered my morning prayer.

For breakfast I had only cafe mocha and vitamins, as I am still trying to lose weight, albeit I'm not that good at doing it.

Later I went to get my mom to take her to the ATM, but her credit card was declined because she had entered the wrong PIN code too many times. After this I took her back home, and went to the store to buy some groceries. I ate a small hamburger and some chips, not the healthiest meal but it was tasty.

Today I listened to Mark 7 where Jesus criticized the Pharisees for holding traditions of men above the commandments of God. Reminds me a bit of Catholics and Orthodox, who hold their unbiblical traditions in very high regard, even on the same level as the Bible. Jesus also said nothing that goes into a man defiles him, but that which comes out of the mouth defiles a man. So I interpret that as we can eat what we want basically, as long as we're not being glutonous and overindulging in food of course.

I also had a thought that I really want to serve Jesus and bring more souls to God, and I felt some joy as well. But as I am demon possessed, I cannot trust every emotion that I feel. This entity has made me feel love and joy before, so I am skeptical of the origin of most of my emotions. But I accept the desire to serve God.

That's all for now. God bless.

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