May 6th, 2023 Diary: Lazy workout day

This Saturday I woke up at around 1pm but only got out of bed 1:45pm. My motivation to do stuff is really low right now. I had a cafe mocha and vitamins for breakfast, but no food.

Last night was rough, a lot of intrusive thoughts, but I managed to sleep OK. I was a little bit tired when waking up.

Today I went to the store again to buy some water. The tap water in my house is not the best, it has a slight metallic aftertaste if you drink it, especially if you don't let the water run for 15-20 seconds. I still use it for cafe mocha, tea and other flavoured drinks though. Not sure if that's good or not.

I'm thinking of going to the Pentecostal church service tomorrow on Sunday. I don't agree with all their beliefs and customs, but there isn't really a better church nearby, so I might as well go. At least the pastor is not a woman this time.

I listened to Mark 8 where Jesus fed 4000 men and restored a mans sight. Peter also calls Jesus the Christ in this chapter, and Jesus talks about His fate to be crucified and resurrected with the disciples. Jesus also says whosoever is ashamed of Him, then He will also be ashamed of that person. So don't hold back your identity as a Christian, I am not ashamed of calling myself a Christian.

For my workout I was a bit lazy, I only did 1 set of 5 pull-ups, 1 set of 10 push-ups and 1 set of 15 leg raises. But it felt like I have become weaker rather than stronger, as it took more effort to do the pull-ups and push-ups. However it's better than nothing.

That's all for now. God bless.

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