May 8th, 2023 Diary: A more productive day

I was having a hard time getting sleep last night, so today on Monday I overslept and woke up around 2-3pm, got out of bed a bit after 3:15pm. Not good but at least I had a nice dream about me being in Japan (I have never been there). It wasn't the intrusive thoughts this time that caused the sleeplessness, I was just tossing and turning for hours unable to sleep.

For breakfast I grabbed my usual cafe mocha and a yogurt again. I am thinking of fasting for 3 days drinking only salt water, mostly for health reasons but I could do some praying at the same time.


I made a short video for one of my YouTube channels, which is more than I have done in months. I also answered some comments. My channel has been growing by itself, I haven't done anything to it in months, except answering some comments. That's great, now I am a bit more motivated to continue growing the channel.

Bible reading

I went on a walk and listened to Mark 10-13 today. There Jesus talks about a lot of things. I don't remember them all. There is the story of the rich young man, who Jesus tells to give up all his possessions and follow Him, but the young man doesn't do this. Jesus then says it is difficult for rich men to enter heaven, but with God all things are possible. This reminds me of Joseph of Arimathea who bought Jesus tomb, he was a rich man and a follower of Jesus. 

Jesus also says we should forgive everyone who has wronged us or the Father won't forgive us.

Then there's also the parable of the wicked husbandmen. The owner of a vineyard sends servants to collect the fruits of his vineyard, but the husbandmen assault them. Then he sends his son and the husbandmen kill him so they can seize the inheritance. I think this is basically talking about how the Father sent prophets to Israel and then finally His Son Jesus, and the wicked husbandmen are some of the Israelites, like the Pharisees and others.

Finally Jesus talks about signs of the end times and how we should be vigilant of false christs, but still watch for Jesus true return.

Other stuff

It's now been a few days since I wilfully sinned, other than maybe being lazy, and I am not feeling any huge temptations that I can't overcome. My mood is a bit better, which helps.

Cybersecurity studies

Later during the evening I also started my cybersecurity studies, by using the Hacksplaining website. I did the first module on SQL injections, but it is quite complicated and meant for programmers who already know how to code on some level. So I guess it will take longer for me to learn cybersecurity than I originally thought, as I only know some basic HTML, CSS and a bit of PHP. At least I finally got started, so that's something.

That's all for now. God bless.

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