May 9th, 2023 Diary: Thinking about fasting

After I posted the last blog post yesterday I had some really tough temptations to sin that didn't go away, so I ended up caving in and sinning. I confessed my sin and trying my best to repent, but without God helping it is difficult to live the way He wants us to.

Today on Tuesday I got out of bed around 1:20pm and my friend had called me. He was living with his parents but kind of got kicked out and now he has to find a new apartment. I would ask anyone who is reading this to please pray for my friend, that he forgive his parents and that his parents forgive him, and that his life gets sorted out.


I drove to the store to buy some food and drinks, and then went back home. After I came back home I recorded 3 YouTube videos, and edited and published one of them.

Bible study

I listened to Mark 14 where Jesus had the last supper and was betrayed by Judas. Peter also denied Jesus three times before the cock crew twice.


I did my basic workout.

Pull-ups. Set 1: 5 pull-ups, Set 2: 3 pull-ups, 2 reverse pull-ups

Push-ups. Set 1: 10 push-ups, Set 2: 10 push-ups

Leg raises. Set 1: 15 leg raises, Set 2: 15 leg raises

My results haven't improved, so it seems I am not getting stronger. I probably need to eat more protein.


I am going to try a fast from Tuesday evening to Friday evening. Let's see if I make it.

Cybersecurity studies

I didn't study anything today, but I am considering ordering a few books to get started with the basics.

That's all for now. God bless.

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