Why did God create beings that would rebel?

Let's say I am a car manufacturer and I make 99 cars. 33 of these cars will break down after x miles, and the rest will last forever. Before making these cars, I knew exactly which cars would break down and when. Why would I make these flawed cars to begin with? Why not just make cars that last forever?

This is an analogy for God creating the angels. He made x number of angels, and He knew beforehand which angels would follow the devil, and which would stay loyal to God forever. Why create those who fell? Why not just create angels that follow God?

One thought that came to me was that maybe the angels who fell needed to fall so that the other angels would be scared into obedience. Maybe they needed to see the consequences of failing to obey God to choose Him of their free will. But then why was it exactly one third of the angels that rebelled? Why didn't more of them fall before they even saw the consequences of disobedience? Were these angels obedient out of other reasons than fear? Then we're back to the original question.

More questions: Why did God allow the fallen angels to live on earth and enter the Garden of Eden to deceive Adam and Eve? Why not just throw them directly into hell where they couldn't harm anyone? It's like someone commits a serious crime, and the judge kicks them out of their mansion, but let's them live on the streets and tells them they will be executed in x years. So this person having nothing to lose goes on a rampage killing, stealing and destroying for x years, until they are executed. I am finding it difficult to grasp why this was allowed.

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