Why didn't Jesus make more specific predictions?

Jesus predicts that at the end of the world there will be wars and rumors of wars, pestilences, earthquakes in divers places and so on. But the predictions are a bit vague in my opinion. Looking back at history there has been big wars, pestilences and earthquakes in many places throughout human history. None of these happenings have been the great tribulation, even though there was lots of death and destruction for example in world war 2 or during the black plague. So while we should watch for these signs, it's not easy to tell when all of this is supposed to happen. That's why people have been saying the end is nigh many times in history.

So why didn't Jesus make more specific predictions? For example as the one true God He could have predicted the telephone, television, airplanes or even the discovery of hydrocarbon fuels that powers most of the worlds machines and industry. Even Nikola Tesla with his puny human brain was able to predict the smartphone in 1926. But the closest we get to any of that in the Bible is Daniel 12:4 where it is predicted that knowledge shall increase in the future.

It seems like the parables that Jesus often spoke in, God didn't want humans to understand without first having faith in Him, as the scriptures are spiritually discerned. Do not cast your pearls to swine it is said in the Bible. I guess it has worked to some degree, Christianity is the largest religion in the world (if you count Catholics as Christians). But at the same time Jesus says there are few who will find the narrow path and strait gate, so who knows how many are actually saved.

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