Why does God encourage us to have children?

God says in the Bible for humans to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). But most humans will end up in the lake of fire. Why should we multiply if that is a possible, if not very likely end to our children? 

I've read about children of faithful Christians questioning their faith and becoming unbelievers. Why should we have many children if this could be their fate, that they could end up burning in hell for eternity? I certainly won't be having any children, especially if God cannot keep them safe. 

If we're not once saved always saved, then every time a couple has a child, they are gambling with the eternal fate of a soul. They could be the best parents in the world, but the child could still be deceived by the world and lose their salvation. Why bring them into this reality at all if that's an actual possibility? It just seems irresponsible to me. Celibacy is making a whole lot of sense in light of this information.

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