Why isn't everyone given the opportunity to know Jesus?

If you were born in Europe or North America in the past 200 years, your chances of knowing something about Jesus Christ, and even believing in Him for salvation, were quite high. But if you were born in the same time period in some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon rainforest, you might never hear the name Jesus Christ in your whole life.

Some people just by their proximity to Western civilization are much more blessed than those who are far removed and have never even been given the opportunity to come to the knowledge of the truth.

If you get the opportunity to accept Christ or not, then it's on you. But some people it seems never stood a chance. Just because their great great great grandparents lived in a certain location, they will go to hell, as they would never hear about Jesus Christ. 

So it seems God does predestine some people for hell, for various reasons and not just excessive sinning. Not everyone gets the same opportunities. Why make it like this, why not give everyone a fair opportunity and clear choice? I don't understand.

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