Questions about Noah's ark and the animals

Currently the location with the most biodiversity in the world is South America. There's over 6000 species of animals and more than 50,000 species of trees and bushes found on the continent so far. How did they get there from the ark which was all the way in Mount Ararat which is located in Turkey? Not all of these animals can fly or swim, and even of those who can, will have great difficulty crossing the Atlantic ocean.

One argument is that maybe God used His miraculous powers to airlift them or teleport them over there, but that isn't mentioned in the Bible. Also if God did that, why would he need Noah to build the ark in the first place? Couldn't he just lift them above the clouds for the duration of the flood, and then land them back on the ground after it was done? Kind of like he did in Peters vision in Acts 10:11-12 or what would happen during the rapture. 

Was it just to make a story out of it, and give Noah something to do? Sort of like how God made someone blind from birth just so he could heal him in the future (John 9:3).

It just doesn't make logical sense.

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