When is the second coming of Christ?

In Revelation 1:7 it is mentioned that they who pierced Jesus will see Him coming in the clouds. Matthew 16:28 seems to support this as Jesus says there are some standing there who will not taste of death till they see the Son of man coming in His kingdom. 

But in Revelation 20:4-6 it says that the righteous will be resurrected first and reign with Jesus for 1000 years, and the rest will be resurrected after the 1000 years. So how are those who pierced Jesus (who are presumably not part of the first resurrection) still able to witness His second coming in Revelation 1:7, if they have been dead for a long time? Or am I missing something?

In Matthew 24:34 Jesus says "This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled". In biblical terms a generation is roughly 30 years or it is referring to the people who are alive at the time it is mentioned. So it would seem Jesus was saying that the end will come not long after His death, resurrection and ascent to heaven, during the time when His disciples were still alive, or within a generation of that.

In 1 John 2:18 ESV it says that it is the last hour, and this text was written between 95 and 110 AD. But here we are, thousands of years later and we're still waiting for it to happen. When will the second coming happen? I don't know. Some say it has already happened, these are called preterists, but personally I don't agree with that.

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