Why did it take so long for people to write the gospels?

According to historians, the four gospels were written after Pauls letters. For example 1 Thessalonians was written around 50 AD, whereas the gospel of Mark was written around 70 AD. If Jesus really did all these amazing things around 30-33 AD, why didn't the disciples write about Him immediately after His ascent to heaven? Why wait 40 years to write Mark? 

If a human does something amazing in the modern day, you will hear about it on social media the very next day, if not sooner. But it's like the disciples just scattered after Jesus ascent to heaven and went back to what they were doing before, instead of spreading the word about Jesus. Preaching the gospel to every creature is a commandment of Jesus (Mark 16:15), why ignore it? It just doesn't make sense to me.

I mean even I have probably spread the gospel to hundreds if not thousands of people, and I didn't physically walk with Christ on earth. I wasn't taught personally by the Son of God in the flesh. How come I can do it, but there's no documentation of people having preached Jesus around 30-40 AD? Sure we have Acts, but that was written between 70-90 AD. That's after Pauls death in 64-65 AD.

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