Why don't apostates suffer more, or at all?

I have recently been watching many videos about people deconverting from Christianity. And I notice that none of them (so far) have said that their life has become worse compared to their time as a Christian. But in 2 Peter 2:20 it says that for apostates the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

And also not all of them have gone back to their own vomit like it says in 2 Peter 2:22, or have started sinning like the devil. In fact one lady said her life hasn't changed much at all and she still behaves like she did as a Christian. This lady was a true believer for decades, she even memorized thousands of verses from the Bible and if I recall correctly, wrote the entire Bible word for word herself. I don't think anyone would invest that much time and effort into scripture, if they really didn't believe.

So why doesn't God punish these apostates more in this life? Meanwhile, I didn't even leave God but simply said a lie out loud while talking to what I thought was the Holy Spirit, and my life went into the toilet. I have also heard of other Christians who simply had a bad thought or belief, and they say the Holy Spirit left them. But these apostates I have watched can just completely unbelieve and spread messages about Jesus being a hoax, with no earthly consequences. Why is that? Why not make them examples as to what happens to apostates, to discourage others from unbelieving? The Bible hints that something like this would happen (Deuteronomy 28 for example), but I can't say that it has happened to these people. I don't understand.

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