Why I believe morality is objective (and how to build a utopia)

Here is my argument for why morality is objective. 

There is an optimal way to build a car for a specific purpose, like as a racing car or an offroad vehicle.

Therefore there might also be an optimal way to structure a human society, so that it survives and thrives long in to the future, and doesn't collapse from within or due to outside pressures.

To build such a society, we would need an optimal moral law that governs it, and encourages everyone to behave in a proper and fruitful way.

This is kind of how I'd picture God's kingdom, a society that follows God's moral law perfectly.

But then comes the question, is this possible for flawed humans? We are not infinitely smart or wise, not all of us are kind, and we have limited knowledge and experiences. So we can't always make the best choices with our free will, as we are missing some knowledge and the intelligence to optimally process the information.

That's why perhaps we would need new bodies that are perfect, or else we are stuck in a cycle where society grows and then collapses eventually.

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