Many must suffer for the few to prosper

In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh claimed an exclusive connection to the gods, leading people to serve him, either willingly or as slaves. The majestic pyramids of Giza were constructed to glorify the pharaohs, with an estimated 10,000 slaves dedicating their lives to these grand monuments.

Today, echoes of this disparity persist. For every wealthy business mogul, there are countless individuals toiling away as "wageslaves" in unfulfilling jobs, struggling to make ends meet. The wealth amassed often finds its way into the pockets of the privileged owning class, further widening the wealth gap.

While rewarding talent and hard work is essential, it is evident that the current system falls short. Many hardworking individuals, working in factories, as cashiers or as cleaners for example, still struggle to afford basic necessities and housing. The plight of workers living paycheck to paycheck stands in stark contrast to the astronomical earnings of billionaires, who make more in hours or days than some do in a lifetime. For example, if you were to earn $6000 every day since the year 1700 until today, you wouldn't even have a billion dollars, not to mention the wealth people like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos have accumulated.

A lot of life is just about luck. Whether it's your genetics or when and where you were born, who your parents and extended family are, and so on. Someone born in the ghetto with a mental handicap will have trouble navigating this highly competitive world due to no fault of their own. Whereas someone born with high intelligence and good looks can more easily overcome many of life's challenges, and many times they will claim all the credit for themselves rather than attributing their success to luck.

Genetic and environmental determinism is real and some people are just born with advantages that others don't have and can never acquire no matter how hard they study, work or self-improve. These people who have won the lottery of life didn't do anything to earn their advantages either. They are simply destined to ascend in the social hierarchy and nowadays through social media they are worshipped by thousands if not millions of people.

Suffering is guaranteed in Darwinian life, and it is the default state of most living sentient beings.

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