Utopia or the big red button, those are the only two moral options

This world is a hellscape for most sentient beings, Darwinian life is evil. Suffering is guaranteed when you transition into life (without your consent) from the peaceful void of non-existence. How much a living being suffers depends on luck. If they are born with the right genetics at the right time in the right place, then their suffering will be less. But right now there are millions upon millions of sentient creatures being eaten alive, starving, suffering from disease, poisoned by chemicals and struggling in many other ways every single day.

What is the solution? I think there are basically two ways to solve this problem. Plan A and plan B. Plan A would be easier to sell to the human masses. It would involve creating a utopia where the goal would be to gradually remove all suffering from every sentient being. We could make a world that guarantees pleasure and happiness rather than suffering. A world where there are no losers, whereas now most living creatures are losers and relatively few are winners, but even the so called winners suffer to some degree. Perhaps this could be accomplished with the help of technology such as genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. For example instead of using the predator and prey mechanic to regulate animal populations, maybe they could be more humanely managed through the use of advanced technology where no organism has to inflict or receive pain.

Is plan A possible? I don't know, but if it isn't then we have plan B, also called the big red button by efilists. Efilism states that there is no need for sentient life to exist and we'd be better off if it didn't, because it guarantees suffering. By creating a new living sentient being in this world we are just bringing more suffering into existence and we can't even ask if this new being even wants to live, knowing what awaits it. Life is simply an imposition. Pressing the big red button would involve somehow destroying all life on Earth and sterilizing the planet to make sure it doesn't reappear. This would have to be done collectively at a global level, and I certainly don't recommend that any individuals take matters into their own hands.

Continuing Darwinian life and the suffering that the process of natural selection brings seems immoral. Especially if we can bring an end to all the suffering one way or another.

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