Everyone should have the right to a graceful exit

Life is not a gift, it's an imposition. From what we know, nobody chooses to be born and when we enter this world from the void, life and all it's difficulties and challenges is dumped on us without our consent. We're alive and we just have to deal with all this crap. 

If you are born in a first world or developed country, you might be able to delude yourself into thinking that life is good. But many people and animals suffer greatly in this life. There is starvation, disease, injury, mental abuse, being homeless, working a job you hate just to support yourself and so on.

Some will say if you don't like life, just delete yourself. But death is scary and dying by your own hand isn't easy. It can be extremely painful and you can fail, thereby potentially putting yourself in a worse position, if you for example become crippled. I know, I've tried during a psychotic episode and just broke my arm, now there are some things I can't do anymore.

But in today's world we have come away from religious superstition, and we have the medical knowledge and technological capability to provide a painless and quick death, a graceful exit if you will, for most people who desire it. 

Personally I am schizophrenic and it has really ruined my cognitive abilities. My memory is crap and my intelligence has gone down probably 20 points. I also have trouble imagining things in my mind like I used to. I had a wild and vivid imagination in the past, which made me somewhat creative. Additionally I suffer from anhedonia, which means I can't enjoy most things anymore, so my motivation to do stuff is really low. Our life on Earth comes to an end eventually and I don't really want to be here anymore. I see this life more as a burden to myself, and I am also a burden to my family and society. There really should be some reasonable options for people in this position.

I don't know for sure what comes after death, but I'd like to think it's a dreamless sleep. Our body returns to the soil from where it came, and our consciousness returns to the void.

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