If God exists, he might be evil

There are two main systems on the planet Earth: industrial civilization and the ecosystem. Industrial civilization exploits the ecosystem as much as it can to make profits for the owning class, many of whom are psychopaths or have those kind of tendencies. It has destroyed the habitat for countless species driving them to extinction and enslaved billions of animals in factory farms where they suffer significantly to sustain and entertain industrial man. 

For every Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos there has to be millions of people eking out a meager existence in slave-like conditions in this system. There are children working in sweatshops in Asia, people mining rare earth minerals with hand tools in Africa and wageslaves in developed countries working crap jobs they hate, all to prop up industrial civilization and fill the pockets of the elite owning class.

But the ecosystem isn't much better than industrial civilization. For hundreds of millions of years animals in the wild have been hunted and eaten alive by other animals, suffered from starvation, disease, injury, harsh weather conditions and natural disasters, among other things. It's no picnic to try surviving in the natural world, and a lot of living feeling beings struggle and meet a gruesome end. Nature favors the strong, the weak die without mercy.

This world is a hellscape with no shortage of suffering for many of its inhabitants, and often the pleasure of one being comes at the expense of another, like a bear eating a deer for dinner. I can't help to think, that if a God truly exists, it might be evil considering the conditions we live in. A truly good God would not create this kind of a world. That gives me less hope for the freedom of death returning us to the void from where we seem to have come. Perhaps this torment is only the beginning of the nightmare. Let's hope there is an end to this though.

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