May 10th, 2023 Diary: Broke my fast early

Last night I was feeling a bit down and had a moment when I didn't feel my faith. But then on my YouTube playlist there was the song Umbrella by Rihanna that popped up (it was a remix), and the lyrics were really encouraging to me. I don't know if that was God trying to reach out to me or not, but it gave me some hope. I know Rihanna is not Godly music, but I believe God can use anything for His purposes.


Today on Wednesday I got out of bed 12:30pm and continued my fast which I started yesterday evening. I had a glass of water with some iodized salt and baking soda. Ideally I would have sea salt and add potassium chloride powder as well. This is to help keep a good electrolyte balance in my body while fasting. 

However I was tempted to sin and gave in to the temptation, so I ruined my fast. I am so weak. But a just man falls seven times and gets up, so I confessed my sin and want to do better in the future. I will move my fast to a future date, preferably when I have all the necessary ingredients: sea salt, baking soda and potassium chloride powder.

That's unfortunate, but it's not like I was led by the Spirit to fast or anything, it was just a personal goal.

Bible study

I went to town to pick up my mother and take her to the dentist. I waited in the car while she was at the dentist and listened to Mark 15 where they released the criminal Barabas instead of Jesus, and the Jews wanted Jesus crucified. Later in the chapter Jesus is crucified with the two thieves. Joseph of Arimathea gets the body of Jesus after He dies and puts it in the sepulchre.


I answered some comments on my YouTube channel and also edited and uploaded a video I recorded yesterday.

Other stuff

I wrote this blog post to vent about my lack of progress. 

Also I went on a bike ride to check out a potential beach, but there was no sand there or anything. All the beaches nearby have disappeared, I remember when I was a kid there were at least 2 beaches in the area.

That's all for now. God bless.

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