May 7th, 2023 Diary: Went to church, but ...

Today on Sunday I got out of bed around 1pm, but woke up earlier than that. I had my usual breakfast plus some yogurt, but forgot my morning prayer, however I did pray later during the day. I should really do it before I even get out of bed, or else I will forget. My memory is terrible these days.

I didn't do much during the day, other than write this blog post about a miracle I experienced. Then later during the day I originally planned to go to a Pentecostal church service, but I started to feel less motivated to do so, due to some posts I read online about quenching the Holy Spirit.

It's for good reason God judges people by the words that come out of their mouth. For someone who is weak, even a single negative post can affect them profoundly. So I want to encourage people to be encouraging rather than sowing despair. We don't know the true fate of anyone and we don't know how strong they are, so it's better to have a positive outlook while also being honest, or keep your mouth shut unless you are sure it will help them.

I did go to the Pentecostal church service, but I didn't stay long. I just felt out of place there for a few reasons. First of all, almost all the seats were taken, it was crowded. Secondly, I was probably the youngest person at the service, everyone was old and gray. So I left almost immediately. But I am glad I got at least my foot inside the door, which is more than I've done in months. I will try again next week, maybe at a different church.

The weather was kind of good, the sun was shining and I drove my motorcycle, so it was a worthwhile trip to town anyway.

I listened to Mark 9 where Jesus met with Moses and Elijah. Jesus also cured a child with a dumb spirit, which could have been epilepsy by some estimates. Because His disciples were unable to cast it out, Jesus said this kind of spirit can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. Jesus said all things are possible for those who believe. Jesus also warns about hellfire and talks about salt that has lost its saltness, which I hope I am not.

That's all for now. God bless.

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