May 13th, 2023 Diary: God's providence

I couldn't really sleep last night, so I woke up late and got out of bed around 1:30pm.

God's providence

For some it may sound crazy, but I believe God has been speaking to me through songs on YouTube. It has happened not once but twice now where I was in a bad spot mentally and spiritually that I just happened to hear very encouraging song lyrics. The timing was impeccable and it has increased my faith and hope, but I am still not restored.


I once again made a short tutorial video on YouTube, so that I at least got some work done for the day.


It's my exercise day today, where I do calisthenics. But I was a bit lazy so I did only 1 set of each exercise with no breaks in between. So it was kind of like high intensity training. I wasn't as exhausted as I usually am, so my aerobic fitness has increased.

Bible study

I listened to Luke 2 which tells about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, how He grew up and had a lot of wisdom even as a child.

Other stuff

The weather was nice again today, so I hung out in my hammock a lot.

That's all for now. God bless.

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