
Showing posts from June, 2023

What is the purpose of my life?

When I was young I didn't have much of a purpose to my life. I just made a bucket list and started crossing off items on it. But now I have lost the list, so I don't remember exactly what was on it or how many items I have completed. I think it was over 50% completed though. Then in 2019 I became a Christian, that improved my life in some ways. I had a purpose and structure in my life, and through the church I made new friends. I also felt peace and joy for the first time in a long time. I had hope for the future as I thought I was going to heaven and would have a good afterlife. But then something went wrong, I did a "sin" and many of the benefits seemed to evaporate in a moment. It's like the religion sub system in my brain malfunctioned, and instead of feeling peace and joy I started to be mentally tormented. This led me to critically examine the Bible and it didn't pass the smell test, there were too many inconsistencies in the scriptures, and that caused

Religion can be a good cope, if you are able to believe

When I first believed on Jesus Christ and became a Christian, internally I felt pretty good and after joining a church I had many new friends to spend time with. Religion brought some structure into my life. I studied the Bible, watched lots of sermons online and attended church regularly. I won't dispute that religion has some benefits. I also felt the presence of what I thought was God, and that was comforting. But once I did a particular "sin", God's presence left me and I began to suffer from what I thought was demonic possession. I was later diagnosed with schizophrenia by secular doctors. Basically, many of the benefits of Christianity disappeared in one moment, and I was left with mental illness and suffering. Something went wrong. So I think that for some people religion can help them to cope with adversity and some types of suffering. Even if your life is objectively crap, you work a dead end job and have no significant other, religion can make you feel good

The case for theism (intelligent design and an unknown God)

Religion seems to be built into the human experience. Almost every human society has or has previously had some sort of religion and a God or gods that they have worshipped. There is even the God gene theory whereby some people are more predisposed to having religious experiences than others, due to their genetics. But now we know that most religions are not real, as many of them have died out and not many people worship Anubis or Odin anymore. Not that the amount of worshippers has any bearing on the validity of a deity or religion, for example at some point Zeus was more popular than Jesus. I was previously a Christian, and believed hook, line and sinker in the biblical God. But upon critically examining the Bible, I found many things that didn't sit well with me, and that caused me to stop believing. Is there a one true God? That said, I still think that intelligent design has some validity to it, and that there might be a single God that kickstarted the process of creation. Whe

Why doesn't Paul mention Jesus miracles?

In his letters Paul writes about Jesus dying on the cross, rising from the dead and providing salvation for humanity. But he mentions nothing about Jesus other miracles, such as healing the sick, giving sight to the blind or walking on water. Why is that?  Even though the gospels come before Pauls letters in the Bible, historians think Pauls letters were written around 50 AD, whereas the gospel of Mark was written around 70 AD. Paul died in 64-65 AD, so it stands to reason that he never read the gospels.  Maybe Paul didn't know about Jesus other miracles? That or he didn't care to mention them for some reason. Either way it sounds strange that one of the most devout and influential followers of Christ would not know of or mention all the wonderful works of the Lord. Support my work Did you find this post informative or enjoyable?  Consider supporting my work here .

Questions about Noah's ark and the animals

Currently the location with the most biodiversity in the world is South America. There's over 6000 species of animals and more than 50,000 species of trees and bushes found on the continent so far. How did they get there from the ark which was all the way in Mount Ararat which is located in Turkey? Not all of these animals can fly or swim, and even of those who can, will have great difficulty crossing the Atlantic ocean. One argument is that maybe God used His miraculous powers to airlift them or teleport them over there, but that isn't mentioned in the Bible. Also if God did that, why would he need Noah to build the ark in the first place? Couldn't he just lift them above the clouds for the duration of the flood, and then land them back on the ground after it was done? Kind of like he did in Peters vision in Acts 10:11-12 or what would happen during the rapture.  Was it just to make a story out of it, and give Noah something to do? Sort of like how God made someone blind f

Why I no longer believe in Christianity

In this post I want to outline why I have stopped believing in Christianity, and left the religion. No benefits and carrying a burden At one point I realized that I wasn't receiving the benefits of Christianity which includes the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), among which are love, joy and peace. I wasn't feeling anxious but I would not classify my feeling as peace, it was more like emotional numbness. Then I did not feel love for God or even my own mother, and I had no joy either. Jesus also says Christians will live life more abundantly (John 10:10), but that was not the case for me. My life pretty much sucked as my cognitive abilities have declined due to schizophrenia and the medications I am using. Additionally I was suffering from intrusive blasphemous thoughts, and had feelings like God was judging me for every thought I had. So I was carrying a burden of maintaining pure thoughts in my mind and I couldn't get rid of this feeling. But Jesus says in the Bibl

From agnostic to Christian to monotheist (leaving the door open for Jesus)

This is a really long read, as I go through my whole journey. So you can skip to the sub-heading called "Am I really a child of God?" if you want to know what caused me to start doubting Christianity. Young me When I was young I did get top marks in my religion class and wanted to join Christianity because my friends were in the Lutheran church. But that never happened and I remained an agnostic for most of my life. I am a truth seeker As a truth seeker I wanted to know the truth about everything, so I found out that human civilization has many problems that will be difficult to solve. For example our economic system requires infinite growth to survive, but we live on a finite planet so that is not possible. Also pollution is a big problem stemming from our industrial civilization. Some might argue that climate change is also one significant problem that is hard for us to solve. Humans are also flawed beings, so even if Western civilization bought into all of this and reduced

Benefits of religion (atheism is dysgenic)

If we look at every society throughout history, we can notice that most if not all of them, had some kind of religion or belief in higher powers at some point. There is also the VMAT2 gene, which is called the God gene, that some scientists say predisposes people to believe in God and have religious experiences. Religion has shaped our cultures and societies for thousands of years, and we wouldn't have these beliefs if there wasn't at least some benefits to them. What are the benefits? Let's dive in. First of all, some religions increase fertility rates and thereby help those groups of people survive. We can see this with Mormons who have a very high fertility rate in the West, it's around 3.4 children per woman which is over the replacement rate of 2.1. Catholics and Protestant Christians also hover around 1.9 to 2.5 children per woman. But the fertility rate of atheists is only 1.6, which is not enough to replace their population. Agnostics are even lower at 1.3. So c

Is free will an illusion? Does Calvinism have a point?

I think there are several factors that influences our choices in life.  First of all we have genetics, which can determine certain things. For example some people are genetically predisposed to become substance abusers, like alcoholics or drug addicts. For them touching substances can be dangerous, whereas others can casually drink alcohol without becoming addicted and abusing the substance. Then we have knowledge and experiences. For example if your parent tells you that the cooking stove is hot and you shouldn't touch it, then you will know not to do that. But if you still decide to touch it, and it burns your skin causing pain, then from that experience you will know it's dangerous to touch a hot stove. Knowledge and experiences influence what choices we make and what we believe to be real. Finally we also have intelligence, which some argue is at least partially determined by genetics. Intelligence allows us to process knowledge and experiences to make optimal decisions tha

Why I believe morality is objective (and how to build a utopia)

Here is my argument for why morality is objective.  There is an optimal way to build a car for a specific purpose, like as a racing car or an offroad vehicle. Therefore there might also be an optimal way to structure a human society, so that it survives and thrives long in to the future, and doesn't collapse from within or due to outside pressures. To build such a society, we would need an optimal moral law that governs it, and encourages everyone to behave in a proper and fruitful way. This is kind of how I'd picture God's kingdom, a society that follows God's moral law perfectly. But then comes the question, is this possible for flawed humans? We are not infinitely smart or wise, not all of us are kind, and we have limited knowledge and experiences. So we can't always make the best choices with our free will, as we are missing some knowledge and the intelligence to optimally process the information. That's why perhaps we would need new bodies that are perfect,

Why don't apostates suffer more, or at all?

I have recently been watching many videos about people deconverting from Christianity. And I notice that none of them (so far) have said that their life has become worse compared to their time as a Christian. But in 2 Peter 2:20 it says that for apostates the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. And also not all of them have gone back to their own vomit like it says in 2 Peter 2:22, or have started sinning like the devil. In fact one lady said her life hasn't changed much at all and she still behaves like she did as a Christian. This lady was a true believer for decades, she even memorized thousands of verses from the Bible and if I recall correctly, wrote the entire Bible word for word herself. I don't think anyone would invest that much time and effort into scripture, if they really didn't believe. So why doesn't God punish these apostates more in this life? Meanwhile, I didn't even leave God but simply said a lie out loud while talking to what I thou

Why did it take so long for people to write the gospels?

According to historians, the four gospels were written after Pauls letters. For example 1 Thessalonians was written around 50 AD, whereas the gospel of Mark was written around 70 AD. If Jesus really did all these amazing things around 30-33 AD, why didn't the disciples write about Him immediately after His ascent to heaven? Why wait 40 years to write Mark?  If a human does something amazing in the modern day, you will hear about it on social media the very next day, if not sooner. But it's like the disciples just scattered after Jesus ascent to heaven and went back to what they were doing before, instead of spreading the word about Jesus. Preaching the gospel to every creature is a commandment of Jesus (Mark 16:15), why ignore it? It just doesn't make sense to me. I mean even I have probably spread the gospel to hundreds if not thousands of people, and I didn't physically walk with Christ on earth. I wasn't taught personally by the Son of God in the flesh. How come

When is the second coming of Christ?

In Revelation 1:7 it is mentioned that they who pierced Jesus will see Him coming in the clouds. Matthew 16:28 seems to support this as Jesus says there are some standing there who will not taste of death till they see the Son of man coming in His kingdom.  But in Revelation 20:4-6 it says that the righteous will be resurrected first and reign with Jesus for 1000 years, and the rest will be resurrected after the 1000 years. So how are those who pierced Jesus (who are presumably not part of the first resurrection) still able to witness His second coming in Revelation 1:7, if they have been dead for a long time? Or am I missing something? In Matthew 24:34 Jesus says "This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled". In biblical terms a generation is roughly 30 years or it is referring to the people who are alive at the time it is mentioned. So it would seem Jesus was saying that the end will come not long after His death, resurrection and ascent to heaven, du

Is the world 6000 years old or could it be older?

Fundamentalist Christians who take the Bible literally as much as possible say the earth is only around 6000 years old. But geologists, archeologists and other scientists say the earth is much older, around 4.5 billion years. However the Jehovah's Witnesses have a different interpretation of scripture. They say that the days when God created the earth refers to epochs rather than literal days. And there might be some truth to this claim as in 2 Peter 3:8 it says one day is like a thousand years to the Lord. So unless you think there's a international conspiracy of geologists who are making it their mission to deceive the whole world, there could be some merit to this claim. I mean presumably before the fall, Adam and Eve were not mortal and they may have walked the earth for a long time before the serpent deceived them. Maybe that's why we don't find any remains of humans from a long time ago? Something to think about. Support my work Did you find this post informative